Monday, October 5, 2020

Managing Stormwater Opens a Door to So Much More!

 "It's going to affect the fishermen, it's going to affect the economy and all of that starts on Harbor Drive. It starts here," says Larry Heath, a member of PWCA and water quality volunteer monitoring Quantico Creek, at the end of our walk through the parking lots at Westminster, where he and other volunteers have been working to address stormwater runoff.

Stormwater, the water that accumulates on impervious surfaces like paved parking lots and rooftops, is a huge challenge in urban and suburban areas. This water picks up pollutants as it runs along surfaces, erodes stream banks, and degrades habitats for fish and other aquatic life.

Smith Crossing: Comments to the Planning Commission

  Dear Chair McPhail and Planning Commissioners, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the Smith Crossing proposal (REZ2024-00005), ...