Monday, January 23, 2023

Nokesville results: 123rd annual Christmas Bird Count

Lows of 25 °F surely made this year's 123rd annual Christmas Birrrrd Count a cold one. It didn't deter our 24 birders that spent the morning participating in the longest-running citizen science project. Nine teams surveyed the Nokesville circle and identified 80 species, just topping last year's number of 79. >>see results here

Highlights of the December 27th, Nokesville Christmas Bird Count include a Common Loon seen in Quantico and 32 Redheads, which is a count high. Corvids were quite conspicuous with both American Crow and Fish Crow reaching a high for our circle at 491 and 934 respectively. We also saw a few lows for our count including Black Vulture, Red-winged Blackbird, and White-crowned Sparrow. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Pathway to 2040: Comprehensive Plan

By: Court Squires

The Pathway to 2040: Comprehensive Plan passed, 5-2, undeterred by constituent concerns. Concerned voices rose up against the lengthy 20-year blueprint for future residential and commercial development. However, the plan was rushed through in December, and PW residents are left wondering what will befall them in the next 20 years.

Perhaps the most concerning part of the process was that despite constituent weigh-in, the Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) bulldozed over worries and pushed through a development-heavy comprehensive plan. Various inquiries were not thoroughly answered before hastily approving the plan, such as ‘How will higher density truly impact our way of life and environment?,’ ‘Who will pay for all additional infrastructure needed to sustain proposed commercial and residential developments?,’ and ‘When will we, if ever, financially benefit from the myriad development plans proposed for the next 20 years?’

Smith Crossing: Comments to the Planning Commission

  Dear Chair McPhail and Planning Commissioners, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the Smith Crossing proposal (REZ2024-00005), ...