Friday, September 8, 2023

Sustainability Plan - A roadmap to where?


Creating a Sustainability Office and Commission acknowledged the increasing environmental challenges we are facing in Prince William County. Their role in identifying a path forward could support the quality of life for all PW residents, now and in the future.

Touted as a roadmap for the county to meet Climate Mitigation and Resiliency goals, the draft Community Energy and Sustainability Master Plan (CESMP) document unfortunately falls short. While streamlining rooftop solar in residential areas and reforestation programs (read our comments in support here) are important, it is not sufficient. Any headway we make will be negated if we do not address Data Center proliferation and land use planning that promotes sprawl rather than smart growth. 

Smith Crossing: Comments to the Planning Commission

  Dear Chair McPhail and Planning Commissioners, I am writing to express my concerns regarding the Smith Crossing proposal (REZ2024-00005), ...