Friday, April 22, 2022

Strong community support for conservation easement at Dove's Landing

Update 1/19/24: 2024 is starting with a win for conservation! On January 16th, the Board of County Supervisors unanimously authorized the conveyance of a Conservation Easement to Northern Virginia Conservation Trust Across Dove's Landing. In a time when we're seeing our natural areas dwindle, this parcel will be protected in perpetuity for the delight of all residents and future generations.

In 2007, our founding Executive Director, Kim Hosen, recognized the importance of Dove's Landing as a haven for residents to connect with nature. This has been a long journey in our conservation effort - good reminder that our work takes persistence... sometimes for over a decade.

Update 9/15/2022: On Sept 14, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted 3-5 in support of the master plan for Dove's Landing, which would maintain the park as passive recreation and place a conservation easement to ensure it's protected in the future. 

The master plan is slated to go to the Board of County Supervisors in October. 

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4/22/2022: About 70 residents, in-person and online, attended the Dove's Landing Master Plan community meeting hosted by the county's Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department on April 21, 2022. Staff presented ideas for future uses in the park, including floating docks, removing trees to improve vistas of airplanes at Manassas Airport, and constructing a mountain bike pumptrack.

However, the community was unified in supporting passive recreation with additional park monitoring and maintenance to protect wildlife and maintain trails. Preserving the current character of the park was at the forefront of the conversation. There was strong support for a conservation easement, which would permanently protect 100% of Dove's Landing and ensure this vision is protected.

Some had questions regarding a rumor that part of the property could be used to build a school. Staff reported that there were no such plans to their knowledge, adding that this property was acquired through a settlement with a developer. "It wouldn't be a good look if the county then, in turn, developed it," explained Brendon Hanafin, Planning and Capital Projects Division Chief.

Parks Department Director Seth Hendler-Voss voiced support for a natural area park by stating that it made a lot of sense to place the entire property under a conservation easement and that is what would be proposed to the Board of County Supervisors. It was an inspiring evening to start the Master Planning process.

Despite the unmistakable community support for passive recreation and a conservation easement for Dove’s Landing, it’s always helpful to share your views in writing. The Master Plan for Dove’s Landing is being written now. Your comments will help decide what this plan says. Share your views by emailing 

Additional Resources

Protect Dove's Landing Park: Master Planning Process Opens
Dove's Landing Named a Top Conservation Priority by Smart Growth Alliance!
Preliminary Plant List at Dove's Landing

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