Sunday, January 23, 2022

Coalition to Save Historic Thoroughfare Receives Award

Prince William County Human Rights Commission recognizes Frank Washington and the Coalition to Save Historic Thoroughfare for their work to protect historic African-American and Native American cemeteries in Thoroughfare, Va.

Coalition to Save Historic Thoroughfare Receives Award
Prince William Living; January 22, 2022

Remarks from Frank Washington, Coalition to Save Historic Thoroughfare

As founder of the Coalition to Save Historic Thoroughfare, we all thank you for this honor. It is a privilege as well as a duty to stand firm for the preservation of thoroughfare.

Life can present many challenges. Sometimes those challenges can be complicated. Sometimes those challenges can simply be a matter of what is right and what is wrong. We can never stop believing in the worth of fighting and standing for what is right. And we can never give in to what is wrong. In Thoroughfare, Virginia. We have been striving to give voice and to assure that our ancestors continue to rest securely in our cemeteries.

Our diverse coalition will continue to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Fighting for the rights of those who still call Thoroughfare, Virginia. Home as our ancestors have done for centuries.

It is a matter of justice. It is an ongoing struggle to achieve a promise of equality. It is not about politics. But it is a matter of morals, decency and values. It is also a matter of what and who is deemed as worthy in our society. It is a matter of human and civil rights for all.

Respect for those buried in our community. We all recognize that sometimes the world loves to divide us based on race. We have seen that within our battle for our ancestral burial ground and heritage in thoroughfare. This has been a concerted effort. Fortunately, we have also seen the coming together of all races, religions and cultures to take a stand for what is right and just. It is that coming together that has given our coalition hope. It is that coming together that paves the way for healing and change in our community.

The label of being worth nothing or of such little value has been placed upon the lives of those trying to rest in peace in thoroughfare. It is also being placed on the lives of their descendants. This lack of respect is nothing new to people of color. But whether lying in their graves or still walking upon this earth, each individual life matters. 

Politics coupled with a sense of privilege is the formula that breeds a violation of the rights of others. We will not stand still as we watch our cemeteries being desecrated and danced upon. Nor will we stand by and just watch as our land and history is being threatened and taken without pause.

Any government body that does not see the importance or refuses to recognize the historic land and cemeteries of slave, freed slave and Native Americans shares in the violation of its own laws and codes. Freed slaves and Native Americans were not initially afforded the opportunity for proper documentation of their properties. At the time many could not read or write and were not, in many cases, allowed to even learn. So they worked hard, achieved a level of success on their land within their communities and left their legacy through written and oral history to their descendants. 

Historically, situations like we are facing I Thoroughfare do not end in our favor. However, through the coming together of surrounding communities and the Coalitions refusal to quit despite the opposition to our rights, we were able to achieve some measure of success in preservation. We are thankful that Prince William County recognizes the preservation of Thoroughfare, Virginia. As an important historical site. We are pleased with the steps taken in regaining some of the properties. However, much is still in jeopardy and much work is left to be done. Our campaign continues.

Through the challenges we have experienced in thoroughfare we have found similar situations faced throughout the country. These experiences are painful, disruptive, emotionally and spiritually challenging to all connected to Throughfare. We are starting to take some steps forward instead of backwards. However, when will it be?

Common ground for us all to see the value and respect that should be instinctive for all people of any race, religion or creed?

When will those in power abide by and enforce the laws and codes that are in place to protect our properties and cemeteries. The purpose of government should be to change the world for the better through equal protection under the law. It is responsible for moving us forward with respect, integrity, morals, values and decency.

It saddens me to say that is not what we have found an abundance of. Honesty and empathy is replaced with deception and constant manipulation at the expense of preservation and the protection of this our collective history. Protections of human and civil rights for those of us that are living today and for the ones crying out from their graves.

We have to continue to be their voice. We will continue to stand strong and determined for our rights. Rights that are god given and not given at the desecration of a privileged few. We have to stand collectively upon the foundation that our ancestors built. Their dehumanization, anguish, blood, sweat and tears should insure they remain in peace and their resting places remain undisturbed. 

Collectively this is our responsibility. This county government has to continue to embark on a new constructive and not destructive course. We have experienced much underlying hostility, resentment and resistance. Which continues to this day.

Do not believe that this sense of hostility comes from one particular race or party. I have felt it from all sides. It has been difficult to find an official, regardless of race or political affiliation that it is independent of the bureaucracy and greed that created the problems we have been facing. 

In order to really implement meaningful change, you have to acknowledge and understand the decades of struggle endured. Achievements, tenacity and a foundation of faith and love held these families together.

Despite decades of abusive actions that have continually attempted to strip them of their value, their contributions and now even their resting places. In thoroughfare we found that abuse continues.

Our coalition vows to do everything in its power to make a difference and be the difference.

I will continue leadership that listens to all people equally. I will be someone that can be relied upon to make decisions with integrity and a moral standard. I will strive to push for a county government that all people within it can have confidence in and to show the people of this county what can be accomplished when we are unified. I will show leadership that can sow compromise instead of division. 

This is the only way we can all move forward on common ground to insure growth that benefits everyone. We cannot rely on hollow promises.

This honor you have bestowed upon us exemplifies the strength and dedication of every individual within the coalition and the foundation of family that we stand upon. We thank you again for this award.

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